Hi I thought I would add a pic to my blog to put face to name.
Actually you can't see a lot of my face, but you get the idea and I have alwasy liked this pic. This was taken at my brothers place a few years ago when he wanted to test his new digi camera on quick movements for sports, so he suggested a few board breaks, which is always fun!

Me and my wife Amanda, mucking around at a friends house pretending to propose. We spend a lot more time mucking around than being serious! Amanda does roll her eyes at me a lot when my imagination gets carried away with me and I start talking crap though, but I think she finds me amusing, at the very least she puts up with me.

Me Demoing a front Sweep in a BJJ introduction and self defence awareness course I taught for a local College recently. This technique may not be the most appropriate self defence technique, but it certainly looked good for the young men and women in the course, and it is a good demo for sport jiu jitsu.

Doing a Demo of Side Control in the same course. The guy under me was 17 but weighed 122kgs, he was certainly a hard one to move around! The whole course was taught "no-gi" both so that we could try to get a more street feel and also because in terms of BJJ I have always preferred no-gi.
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