Hi everyone, sorry this is a bit late, but I have had heaps on at work and no time. Anyways this entry is about the seminar hosted at Launceston PCYC by Chris Stone and all the Lonny boys, which featured Geelong based brown belt Craig Robinson. Unfortunately (but not untypically) I was benched with injury due to my recovering shoudler, I still had the oppurtunity to video tape the seminar though. I am in the process of editing the video into a DVD for all the participants which should be ready in a week or so (don't panic everyone it is coming soon). The video looks good though.

All in all it was a good seminar and i think everyone got a lot out of it, in a way I may be lucky to have been solely a spectator as I got to see everything in detail and also see everyone's questions and of course the responses to them. I had a go at one of the techniques (a rolling takedown from under side back) at class the other night with nick and was really happy with how easily it worked. Especially considering I was really ownly using my movement and not being able to even grip with my right arm, it still worked a treat and I look forward to giving it a try for real in a few months... another technique for my turtle repertoire.
The seminar covered standup to a takedown, then a combination from guard which was an

armbar setup, a cross ankle choke, a sweep a triangle and an omoplata. This was followed by a rolling takedown or double leg from head to head and side back. Also very good was the fact that at the end of the seminar Craig pointed out several white belts and said they would be blue in geelong and several blue belts and said that they would be purples or at least pretty close. It was good for everyone to hear that kind of compliment, anyway must go, my jogging partner has just show up... enjoy the pics.
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