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Thursday, August 18, 2016

My New Project

For the last 18 months I have been working on a new project that is now ready to see the light of day!

The project is to write the definitive history of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in Tasmania since it's introduction in August of 1996. I have now released the first three chapters with up to 13 more to come.

Here is an excerp from the first chapter:

"The idea of writing this history came to me in April 2015, I was talking to my friend Pete Rogers about the first Brazilian Jiu Jitsu seminars in Tasmania and it dawned on me that the 20th anniversary of BJJ was rapidly approaching. Being that I had at that time been involved as a student and coach of BJJ since 2002 I realised that things had changed, the number of practitioners had increased, clubs had grown/split/changed and the methods and purpose of training had diversified as well."

Check out the project here http://www.tasbjjhistory.com/