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Thursday, October 07, 2010

twice the father...

Hi Everyone, Just thought I'd let you all know my 2nd son Evan was born today... he is huge Amanda and I are really proud!

Saturday, October 02, 2010


Today my wife is 3 days overdue with our second child... waiting can be pretty hard, but I know we are going to have another little champion. Nearly 3 years ago we waited 13 days past our due date for our first born and now we are waiting again... the wait though, I know will be worth it!

Monday, August 23, 2010

One Step Forward

Bit of a surprise,

Tonight on the mat Adam surprised me by awarding me my first brown stripe, one closer to brown belt. Wasn't expecting that, so now I guess it is time to really step up!

Of course just to remind me of why I train and what BJJ is all about one of our white belts tapped me with a cradle choke tonight, that really makes me happy.

Fun times...

Friday, July 16, 2010


It turns out that playing guard is harder to do when your opponent is striking....

I was just working towards an armbar that would have made Sergio Penha proud and then... BOOOMMM!!! my opponent was out, what an escape!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

2010 Inter Gracie Championship

I recently competed in a Submission Wrestling Tournament in Sydney. I got a silver medal in the Light Heavy weight division. It was a great day, I have included a clip here of one of my bouts. I was paying particular attention to the clinch aspect in this amtch as I have been doing a light of private training on my wrestling and judo recently. I also got to showcase my leg lock game as well which was a lot of fun.