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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Blue Belt

There are probably dozens if not hundreds of posts on the internet about the meaning of the belt system in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, or the requirements for each belt level or similar. They all do a great job of providing a picture of what a belt means. So I don't think there is any necessity for me to go into great detail going over the same ground.

However, I have been thinking about the Blue Belt a bit recently and in some ways I think it is the most important one. It may be just due to my own experience, but I recall a time in Tasmania when blue belts in BJJ were as rare as hen's teeth and it was a monumental task to get to the Blue Belt level (it took me the best part of 6 years to get there). I believed that this was a common BJJ feeling and by and large that is the case, although I have seen some schools in more populated states where the Blue Belt isn't quite given the same regard.

Now that a lot of those original Blue Belts are Black Belts and Brown Belts and there are many Purples and even more Blues in some ways the Blue Belt may have lost some sense of importance in Tasmania. I can't really say for sure because it has been a long time since I was a white belt looking up to the lofty heights of blue belt. It is my hope though, that the Blue Belt is still considered as high an achievement as I viewed it, because frankly I still view it that way.

As a coach I have seen many prospective students walk through the academy door, but only a very small minority are able to put in the work to develop sufficient technique, develop their bodies and develop sufficient character to reach the level of Blue Belt. So when a student puts in the effort to get to the Blue Belt level I see it as a huge and special achievement.

The reason that I have had Blue Belts on my mind of late is that last night I had the pleasure of awarding my first Blue Belt, to my student Tim Nissink. Tim, has trained with me and my coach Adam Newton for the last few years and has shown exceptional character and perseverance in that time. I am very proud of him and was very proud to promote Tim to Blue Belt.

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