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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Triangle Graduation

After a fair bit of work over the last year (and no doubt aided by the fact that I am 22kg lighter and a lot more flexible) I have started to get a lot more triangles than in the past. I am confident to say that I am no longer a "Triangle Spastic", I am by no means an expert, but I am a lot more comfortable with them than I was. I think that it is mostly about tightening and finishing the triangle as I have always had a million ways to set them up, I just used set them up and arm bar everyone from the failed triangle. Another thing is that I have gained confidence to try them more often now as I am getting reasonably good at sweeping people by under-hooking their leg if they stack me when triangling them.

The flow on effect of this of course is that I am now getting a lot more Omoplatas as well, as the two tend to go hand in hand. Especially with the game I have recently been playing. This is to go for triangles and to use a reverse triangle to clamp down if the opponent turns away from their deltoid to avoid the choke, this either gives me a control grip to reset the triangle up with or goes straight to the Omoplata, either is cool.

Anyway I intend to get some vids of this stuff up here soon, I'll see what I can do.

ta ta

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