After a typical easter of over doing it on the Easter Egg and Hot Cross Bun front I did a workout with my bro to try and counter act a bit of the fat we had no doubt put on. Being that it was about 90% humidity and bloody hot we didn't go for the full routine though just did 2 rounds of our normal tyre chopping/pushup sparring combos but did some different endings for each round, that I though were worth a mention.
Warm up:
10 KB Clean and Presses on each hand
Round 1:
Normal Tyre chopping/Pushup Sparring combo
One person did 4 laps running up and down the 15 steps at the back of my house with the KB at chest height, while the other did a ladder of 5 chin ups (or at least tried...), then alternate.
Round 1:
Normal Tyre chopping/Pushup Sparring combo
One person did 10 reps of squatting down and explosively picking up the KB and putting it on top of my Greenhouse (head height) while the other did as many Bridging Crunches as possible in the time it takes for your partner to finish (I did 51), then alternate.
Cool Down:
10 KB swings on each hand.
Only a small set, but the variable exercises were quite fun and have got me enthused in trying to think of more explosive elements to intersperse in my Cardio, much like Mike Mahler talks about as High Octane Cardio, but more on that when I get there.
Anyway gotta go, catch ya.
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