I intended to write the entry for my class of last thursday a week ago, but things got away from me and I went to melbourne with my wife for a few days and the next thing I know it is 2 tuesdays later!
Ok quick run down of the class, at the last minute I decided to change the structure of the class due to a request from a student. The student wanted to a refresher on some baton defence techniques which we haven't looked at in a while. So after a quick warm up involving punch drills and some low kicks we start on some baton defence basics. I started everyone on swings that come from the outside in as opposed to a straight thrust. The basis of the defence was a slight modifcation of the under hook and pike defence. the difference between the normal drilla nd what we did was rather than using one of the 3 takedowns in the empty hand version of the drill we used a cutting arm bar both to disarm the opponent and to use as a sharp takedown.
The second variation of the technique was for a low strike aimed at the knee or ankle. The only variation to the defence, is due to the how low the strike is it is difficult to get the underhook so instead we get a tight over hook and support our hand on the arm that is piking the head. Instead of using a cutting arm bar in this case we use head pressure and a backwards movement to take the attacker down. Of course their an improtant emphasis on using knee strikes to the opponent once in the clinch as the danger of being hit by the baton is very real.
Anyway I had better toddle off, but I just thought I would mention that Pearl Jam (who I was seeing in melbourne rocked and Amanda and I had a ball!).
Ta Ta
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