Just thought I would share a few links to some blogs and pages that I like...
These pages belong to Christian Graugart and Martin Aedma respectively who are in my opinoin two of the best minds in Jiu Jitsu in Europe, this is both to do with their games and skills as well as their personal philosophies.
First is Christian Graugart, who can be found on either of the 2 links below. Christian is a great grappler from Copenhagen, Denmark and is the now famous "BJJ Globetrotter". In addition to his dedication to Jiu Jitsu I really his philosophy on no politics, this is exemplified by the global team that he has set up, "The BJJ Globetrotters", their value system is basically everything I am behind (just written more articulately, not bad for a guy with english as a second language).
Well worth checking out...
Second is Martin Aedma, a BJJ Black Belt and true pioneer from Estonia. Martin is a strong competitor who seems to truly believe in the integration of Jiu Jitsu, Judo and Wrestling, he has even coined the phrase "Wrest-Jitsu" to describe his concepts, this is a concept that I try to instill in my classes as well. Martin has a blog that has some great breakdowns of everything from passes, to sweeps, to chokes, I really have gotten a lot from it.
Check it out here.
Lastly here is a great vid that Christian created of Martin demonstrating his pressure passing called "Estonian Guard Passes from Hell".
Both cool guys and have a lot to teach....