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Monday, December 24, 2007

Rolling around

While I am in the mood for posting blogs, I thought I would put up some clips from a recent open mat, excuse the effects though, I am playing with my editing software...

The clips are of me rolling with Tony and also with Joe, all I am really showcasing here is my lack of cardio, but it is still good fun...

Merry Christmas!

New Bell

Just another quick one, now that my shoulder is basically 100% again I have graduated from a 12kg kettle bell to an 18kg bell. I splashed and bought one of the fantastic bells made by Mike Patterson in Hobart, they are definitely the best bells around in terms of the shape and comfortable grip. The great thing is you can comfortably do both single and double hand swings on this type of bell, plus the colours are fantastic.

Fantastic stuff!

Highlight Clips

Obviously it has been a while since I have made a post... but that is cool I didn't have much to say. I have now put together a couple of highlight reels from the recent BJJ Tasmania Spring Titles, so I though I would post them here... enjoy!

Merry Christmas.
